Research 191

1956 Sears, Alden B. (1956). Hypnosis and recall. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 4 (4), 165-171. NOTES This paper reports two experiments. In the first one, 24 college students with IQs 135 or more who were making low C grades were called in for...

Research 170

O’Brien, Richard M.; Cooley, Lewis E.; Ciotti, Joseph; Henninger, Kathleen M. (1981). Augmentation of systematic desensitization of snake phobia through posthypnotic dream suggestion. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 23, 231-238. Nine snake phobics who had...

Research 169

1979 Senk, M. (1979). Neuropsychology, bioethics and hypnosis. In Burrows, G. D.; Collison, D. R.; Dennerstein, L. (Ed.), Hypnosis 1979 (pp. 239-246). Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press. NOTES 1: Most of the chapter deals with brain neurology and the...

Research 168

Of the 220 Subjects, 17 (7.7%) reported sequelae, many of them “minor and fleeting.” None of the sequelae was of psychotic proportions. Only 2.3% of the sample experienced sequelae that lasted as long as a few hours. Although the relationship of sequelae...

Research 167

Monteiro, Kenneth P.; Zimbardo, Philip G. (1987). The path from classroom seating to hypnotizability–a dead end: A brief communication. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 35, 83-86. It has been proposed that classroom seating behavior...